In the long night of editing Gulf images I came upon this one, #5678. A number. But instantly it was so much more. Magic had happened. Weeks ago, in a place far away from now. A moment so quick I had only time to react and instantly move on. Somewhere between eye and brain it registered for that fleeting fraction and then released so the next moment could be realized, and then the next, and the next, and so on. Photography is like that more than not.
Feathers are in many ways natures gift to Light, nearly perfect in their embrace of one another. Easy to see in a peacock or Quetzal feather, but no less elegant and exquisite in less flashy form, like the under-wing of a Brown Pelican in flight. Maybe more so without distraction.
It's one of my loves about photography and Light - that embrace of moments fleeting or unseen - Light flight magic.
Last night I stared at the screen for an eternity soaking in every texture and sculpture revealed through shadow and Light. I stared as though it might fly away. As if moving on with the editing would permanently release the magic. This morning the first thing I did after turning on the computer was to check, it was still there, the magic was real.
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